Yet Another 2016 Writing Success Story

Yet Another 2016 Writing Success Story

A writing success always requires the rewriting of one’s initial drafts. This new true crime story, written by one of my writing coach clients, is a great example of that. When retired lawyer and former police officer J. Andre Boles had me critique his nonfiction manuscript about the murder of one of Reno’s most liked… Continue Reading

Social Media for Authors – From Novice to Bestselling Writer

Social Media for Authors – From Novice to Bestselling Writer

Social media for authors was the last thing on attorney Barbara Hinske’s mind when she started writing her first book. She actually self-published the novel under her maiden name so if it bombed she wouldn’t be embarrassed for life. When the novel started to get some positive acclaim, she decided to promote it via social media… Continue Reading

Author Websites and the Writer Platform

Author Websites and the Writer Platform

You’ve written your book. Or maybe you’re still crafting it, but you finally have a solid sense of where the book is going and what you want to say. Regardless, you’ve jumped into public speaking, a critical pillar of your writer’s platform. You’ve even launched your Facebook page, the first step in what will be… Continue Reading

Public Speaking for Writers: Dos and Don’ts

Public Speaking for Writers: Dos and Don’ts

In last week’s blog post, I talked about the importance of building a platform even as you’re still writing your book. Even in this age of social media, public speaking for writers is essential, especially since it can actually form the basis for your social media platform. Public speaking for writers may sound like an… Continue Reading

Building a Writer’s Platform – Public Speaking

Building a Writer’s Platform – Public Speaking

For authors, writing a book is just part of the mission. If you actually want people to read what you’ve written—or if you want a shot at getting picked up by a traditional publisher—you also need to focus on building your writer’s platform. What’s that? A writer’s platform consists of your built-in audience coupled with those… Continue Reading

Interviewing Linden: Did You Know?

Interviewing Linden: Did You Know?

I recently Googled myself (always a strange experience) and ran across an interview I didn’t even remember giving to Working Writers, a website that focuses on the business of writing. Since I talked about stories and offered information I haven’t mentioned on this site, I thought I’d share the interview with you now. The only real change… Continue Reading

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104