Book Marketing Direct to Consumer

Book Marketing Direct to Consumer

Book marketing direct to consumer isn’t the norm. But maybe it should be.

In the last post, you read about Brendon Burchard‘s approach to creating a series of products, based on your book, so that you create a backend sales funnel rather than relying solely on sales of your book when it comes to making money.

Of course, your book and all these products need to be marketed. Much of the 18-month-long sales (at least) campaign Brendon proposes is based on providing great free information—often in the form of back-to-back videos—direct to your propective buyers and then hitting them with a third “if you liked this, you’ll love my XX book/audio or DVD program/workshop/seminar etc…” sales video.

That means that you need a list of people who have signed up to receive your information. So you need to be able to capture their names and email addresses. No leads = no vehicle to make money. That’s why your website needs to offer visitors something for free that they sign up for.

Here’s Brendon’s script for a home page video designed to help build your list of emails and names:

Hey everybody this is XX. I’m the author of XX.

You’re probably wondering XX. How do I XX?

So I’d love to give you my #1 secret for XX. Go ahead and enter your name and information over there and after you do I’ll take you over to the next page where I’ll reveal to you my #1 secret for XX. See you on the other side.

Alternately, the free video (which could also be a free teleseminar or PDF) could promise prospects information about free resources. Or it could tell a story about the author that shows the kinds of results the book promises. Or the home page video could detail the #1 secret and then say:

Want another five secrets? Fill out the information below…


If you want to know even more, hit this button, which will take you directly to Amazon…

The key to bringing someone into what Brendon calls “a buyer trail” is that every single component of that buyer trail—every free video, every product being sold and the website itself—needs to add value to recipient. By the time they hit your sales pitch, they’ll be ready to pull the trigger.

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