Writing Inspiration

Writing Inspiration

Every so often, we all need a reset. A time to let all the doing fall away, to steer clear of the noise of our lives and to remember what matters, which just might be a little writing inspiration. With that in mind, greetings from Paris where I arrived some ten days ago. Or should… Continue Reading

Book Bulk Sales

Book Bulk Sales

If you’re an author, you want to sell as many books as you possibly can. For one, there’s the money. For two, when you’ve poured yourself into a book, you want to share your message and your words. That’s why in addition to direct marketing to the individual consumer (see last week’s post), Brendon Burchard… Continue Reading

Book Marketing Direct to Consumer

Book Marketing Direct to Consumer

Book marketing direct to consumer isn’t the norm. But maybe it should be. In the last post, you read about Brendon Burchard‘s approach to creating a series of products, based on your book, so that you create a backend sales funnel rather than relying solely on sales of your book when it comes to making… Continue Reading

Book and Backend Sales

Book and Backend Sales

Does your book solve a problem for someone? Have you created a backend series of products and/or services (see last week’s post) that continues to address those concerns? If yes, then your revenue potential is downright healthy. When you’re sharing your expertise on a subject, sales boil down to meeting the prospective buyers’ needs with… Continue Reading

Brendon Burchard’s Experts Academy

Brendon Burchard’s Experts Academy

If you’ve been following this blog, you’re about to realize that this is Brendon Burchard season. You’ll figure out why if you read my recent posts about productivity and how to make money as a writer, along with the next three posts that will spotlight his Experts Academy. Brendon’s Experts Academy focuses on having authors… Continue Reading

A Productive Writer’s Life

A Productive Writer’s Life

Are you the productive writer you could be? Or is making time to write a never-ending challenge because of everything else on your plate? My writing coach client John Hudson, who is working on not one but two books, was finding it nearly impossible to consistently make the writing progress he wanted. Continue Reading

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104