When it comes to plagiarizing, “I didn’t mean to” is not a defense. So you need to make sure you take all precautions in order to avoid unintentionally pilfering somebody else’s verbiage. That’s easier said than done. Continue Reading

When it comes to plagiarizing, “I didn’t mean to” is not a defense. So you need to make sure you take all precautions in order to avoid unintentionally pilfering somebody else’s verbiage. That’s easier said than done. Continue Reading
To shape your memoir and create a memoir outline, you have to start by asking yourself a simple question. Why am I writing this? Your answer will help pinpoint the focus of your memoir. That, in turn, will help you figure out what belongs and what might work better in a different book. Continue Reading
Too many writers think of description or using detail as a string of adjectives. Wrong. It’s all about using detail that brings your characters and settings to life. Continue Reading
This whole COVID experience challenges us all on a daily basis. It has also provided some of us with the opportunity to examine and reprioritize our lives. This creative transformation can show up in all kinds of ways. Continue Reading
Tomorrow marks the fortieth anniversary of a historic class-action lawsuit’s consent decree spearheaded by an LAPD police sergeant named Fanchon Blake, with little to no help from anyone. Her fight for female equality would help end institutionalized sexual and racial discrimination practices not just in the LAPD but in law enforcement in general. Tomorrow also… Continue Reading
Shhh! It’s won’t be official for another eight days, but Busting the Brass Ceiling: How One Heroic Female Cop Changed the Face of Policing is already available on Amazon. The back cover copy reads: Fanchon Blake didn’t understand what she was getting into when she filed a discrimination complaint against the LAPD with the federal… Continue Reading
My new book, Busting the Brass Ceiling: How One Heroic Female Cop Changed the Face of Policing, is just about to be published. I’m looking for five people to review it. Continue Reading
I’ve never much cared for social media. Hanging out on Facebook isn’t my idea of fun–it involves a computer or phone screen, so it’s work. When it comes to online book promotion, however, it’s unavoidable work. So that’s how I spent the better part of October. Welcome to the discomfort zone. Continue Reading
Book endorsements can help sell books. I know that. I also know that I should have started trying to secure the endorsements for my new book a lot earlier. Continue Reading
Feeling frustrated? Indulging in a little (or a lot) of writer self-doubt? To Kill a Mockingbird author Nelle Harper Lee was so disenchanted with her manuscript that she threw it out the window of her New York apartment. Luckily, since those were the days of typewriters rather than computers, she retrieved the pages, tore them… Continue Reading
Literary Agent:
Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management
Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104