The Benefits of Reading Literary Fiction

The Benefits of Reading Literary Fiction

I love fiction. I love working with coaching clients writing their novels. And from easy-breezy beach reads to literary fiction masterpieces, I love reading or listening to a novel, and submerging into the story. Not everyone feels that way. I have a number of friends who boast that they exclusively read nonfiction. Invariably, they go… Continue Reading

What Happens After the First Draft – Part 3

What Happens After the First Draft – Part 3

The what-happens-after-the-first-draft saga continues. Once you’ve rewritten your manuscript, so you’ve shown rather than told, then added detail and honed your language, you could be ready to turn over your manuscript to a professional line editor (unless you want to bring in some beta readers first). The line editor will raise the language by another… Continue Reading

How to Revise Your First Draft – Part 2

How to Revise Your First Draft – Part 2

How to revise your first draft doesn’t stop with turning narrative into active passages that allow your reader to experience what’s happening vicariously as discussed in Part 1 of this series. Once you’ve gotten those broad strokes of your revision in hand, including turning informative paragraphs into action scenes packed with dialogue and thoughts, you… Continue Reading

Creating an Amazon Bestseller

Creating an Amazon Bestseller

My former writing coach client’s two books weren’t new. Far from it. Dr. Surender R. Neravetla, MD, FACS–director of cardiac surgery at Ohio’s Springfield Regional Medical–published Salt Kills in 2012 and Salt: Black America’s Silent Killer in 2014. During that time, neither had topped the sales charts. Still, knowing how passionate he was about his… Continue Reading

Book-Writing Dreams

Book-Writing Dreams

Is this the year you’re going to realize your book-writing dreams and get your book started? Finished? Revised? Published? Let’s make that happen! First, however, you’re going to have to get out of your own way. Since how we undermine ourselves changes depending on the circumstances, let’s figure out how you can claim your book-writing… Continue Reading

Writers Are Made-Not Born

Writers Are Made-Not Born

Inspiration often comes when we least expect it. So does the validation of one’s assumptions. One of my pet theories is that writers don’t just pop into life fully equipped with the ability to realize their propensity for the written word. I’ve worked with enough would-be–and eventually successful–authors to justify this belief. But it never… Continue Reading

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104