Thinking Outside the Box

Thinking Outside the Box

The other day, I couldn’t stop thinking about making ice cream. Cream cheese ice cream to be specific, with Kahlua and caramel liqueur mixed in. “You could try using Greek yogurt instead,” I told myself. “That would be better for you.” Having jumped aboard the healthy bus, I took things a step further. “As long… Continue Reading

Creating a Story that Works

Creating a Story that Works

Like an ambush predator, I’ve been sneaking up on that novel I’ve wanted to write for so long in the hopes of finally creating a story that works. I’m starting to talk about it with friends I met decades ago in the High Sierra town that will be the novel’s setting, and to tap their… Continue Reading

Writer’s Self-Doubt

Writer’s Self-Doubt

I often joke that if you’re experiencing writer’s self-doubt, then you must, by definition, be a writer. I’m not sure why we’re all so ridiculously insecure, but that does seem to be the case. If you don’t agree with me, you probably don’t know a lot of writers. Continue Reading

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104