Recovery – The First of Three Success Stories

Recovery – The First of Three Success Stories

What better way to launch a new year of blog posts but with three success stories? My three writing coach clients-turned-authors have several things in common. They’re all in the financial field. A couple of them overcame sizeable challenges that could have prevented them from publishing at all. All three are writing books to help… Continue Reading

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

With the dawning of a new year, I look back on the past one with a sense of wonder. I suppose that’s not uncommon, but 2024 was as rewarding as it was challenging. Ten weeks into the year, I experienced a bout of vertigo that left me lying in a darkened room trying my best… Continue Reading

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

I posted this seven years ago and again in 2022. Here’s to a year when it no longer seems so pertinent. “This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.”                                                               Leonard Bernstein In a year that has brought so much grief, let us make… Continue Reading



Tomorrow would have been my mom‘s 97th birthday. While it’s unlikely that she would have lived that long, her death more than 20 years ago hasn’t gotten any easier to accept. I discovered just how true that is when I opened an old spiral notebook a few weeks ago and saw an entry I wrote… Continue Reading

Finding Inspiration Through 100 Women Who Care

Finding Inspiration Through 100 Women Who Care

I joined Central Oregon’s 100 Women Who Care chapter during Covid. Despite–or because–of being closeted at home, I needed a sense that I was making a difference. The first 100 Women Who Care group was founded in 2006 by Jackson, Michigan’s former mayor, Karen Dunigan. Her concept was simple. During quarterly meetings, 100 community-minded women… Continue Reading

Thanks – 2024

Thanks – 2024

My father used to give the same Thanksgiving toast every year. Raising his glass, he simply said, “Thanks.” I’m definitely my father’s daughter. Unable—or perhaps unwilling—to improve on this post, I have simply decided to run it every year at this time as a tribute to him, to all of you, and to making our… Continue Reading

Crafting a Bestseller

Crafting a Bestseller

Last week’s dip into blog posts of the past convinced me to do more of it. While I’ve published two posts already this year about my experience ghostwriting The Legacy of Luna–one about writing my first national bestseller and the other about climbing the redwood despite a fear of heights–I like how this post from… Continue Reading

Share  Your Story

Share Your Story

I started this blog just over 15 years ago. Last week, I decided to drop into the way-back machine and check out my very first post in 2009 about sharing your story. I thought the post might be dated. It’s not. Not even slightly. So, I decided to run it again, especially since sharing your… Continue Reading

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104