Writing a Memoir

Writing a Memoir

Are you thinking of writing a memoir? Some years back, memoirs were hot, hot, hot in the publishing world. These days, they’re not, not, not. But that doesn’t mean that plenty of people still don’t want to write them. (How’s that for a double negative!) And just because publishers aren’t buying them as frequently as… Continue Reading

Is My Book Finished?

Is My Book Finished?

So you think your book is finished and you’re done? Sure, you’ve completed that first draft of your book. Or maybe even the second. How great is that? Despite your splendid accomplishment, odds are that your book is not ready for prime time. Continue Reading

Asking for a Book Endorsement

Asking for a Book Endorsement

Asking for a book endorsement isn’t always the easiest thing for most of us. Now, some people, like my friend and writing coach client David Rosell, just have a knack for it. They either know a lot of high-profile folks, or they simply don’t mind cold-calling. And often, this ballsy approach works. For the rest… Continue Reading

Getting Your Book In the Library

Getting Your Book In the Library

Want to get your book in the library? I just put together, with the help of my associate Keri Barnum, a mailing that went out to more than seven thousand librarians. The e-blast contained eleven books, each promoted with a book cover, sales copy, and links to the sales page(s). Some books did better than… Continue Reading

The Pre-Book

The Pre-Book

In Judy Blume’s MasterClass about writing for younger readers, the mega-bestselling children’s book author talks about how she saves news clippings and scribbles ideas for plots, characters and their backstories, snippets of conversation she overhears, and dialogue she imagines in a notebook or an idea box (think of a recipe box with index cards). Each… Continue Reading

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104