Amazon Reader Reviews

Amazon Reader Reviews

Three words best describe the importance of Amazon reader reviews. You need them. Actually, make that seven words: You need them–more than you know. For starters, people who are thinking of buying your book, possibly because of the ads you’re running, will check the Amazon reader reviews. Lots of positive reviews equal lots of sales.… Continue Reading

Book Launch Basics

Book Launch Basics

If you’re like me, the last thing you want to think about is a book launch. Once you’ve finished writing, rewriting, editing, polishing, and publishing your book, you’d love to wash your hands of the whole thing and move on to the next project. That’s fine if you don’t care if anyone reads that book… Continue Reading

Sloppy Book Beginnings

Sloppy Book Beginnings

I write a lot about sloppy copy. It’s my solution to silencing that internal voice that finds fault with anything you write and prevents you from starting–let alone completing–your book. Bashing out material that doesn’t even count as a rough draft effectively disables your inner critic. That includes slopping out your book beginnings. Continue Reading

Do You Need a Literary Attorney?

Do You Need a Literary Attorney?

“I am forever indebted to you for insisting that I have that attorney conversation,” my writing coach client’s email read. He hadn’t wanted to consult a literary attorney regarding the online writing and video project he had embarked on, mostly because he didn’t think it was necessary. I disagreed. Really disagreed. So I kept bringing up… Continue Reading

Your Book Audience

Your Book Audience

If you’re writing a nonfiction book, you’re likely hoping either to impact others by making a strong point or to establish yourself as an authority and boost your business. Either way, you’re using your book as a tool to disseminate your ideas or expertise in a way that will attract the book audience you’re trying… Continue Reading

Writing Success for Authors Over 50

Writing Success for Authors Over 50

“So what took so long to write your first book?” Authors Over 50 podcast host Julia Brewer asked my writing coach client Jeff Hutcheson, author of Going Barefoot: A Lost Key Mystery. That’s how she starts every interview she does with the authors over 50 she features. “I was just busy working,” replied Jeff. Isn’t… Continue Reading

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104