For Fiction Writers: Point of View

For Fiction Writers: Point of View

A number of my clients writing novels have struggled with characters’ point of view (POV for short) in their work. POV means that you enter a character’s head and see the world from his or her point of view. The problem is that entering every character’s head including the minor ones can, well, make the… Continue Reading

Philosophy of Education as It Relates to Your Book

Philosophy of Education as It Relates to Your Book

In Part 5 about how to get schools to buy your book—culled from a plan of action created for my friend, client, and associate, Morri Stewart, and her fantasy novel Faltofar—curriculum developer turned creativity coach, Deborah Allen, talks about how to create curriculum and the related instruction, starting with writing up your philosophy of education… Continue Reading

Trade Publishing Options

Trade Publishing Options

You’ve written a trade book, the kind that bookstores sell. Now you have to decide which of your publishing options to go with. Do you want to self-publish or go the traditional route? Those of us who have done both can vouch for the fact that each has its pros and cons. Continue Reading

How to Market a Book to Teachers

How to Market a Book to Teachers

In Part 4 about how to get schools to buy your book—culled from a plan of action created for my friend, client, and associate, Morri Stewart, and her fantasy novel Faltofar—curriculum developer turned creativity coach, Deborah Allen, brainstorms how to market a book to teachers: It’s a simple fact: no one cares about your book… Continue Reading

Author Legal Advice

Author Legal Advice

I searched unsuccessfully for a literary attorney for years. People would tell me just to call my business lawyer when my referral requests repeatedly failed to yield results. “She’s great, but she doesn’t specialize in author legal advice,” I would argue. Then I found Kathryn Goldman — editor-in-chief of the Creative Law Center, a lawyer at Goldman &… Continue Reading

Speech Tags: Resist the Creative Urge

Speech Tags: Resist the Creative Urge

I don’t usually suggest that my writing coach clients resist the urge to be creative. In fact, I never suggest that–with one notable exception. Straying from basic speech tags is one of those rookie writing mistakes you want to avoid. “That makes no sense,” I hear you say. In a way, it does. Think of… Continue Reading

Secret #6 of 7 to Writing a Book that Will Grow Your Business: Genuine Writer’s Voice

Secret #6 of 7 to Writing a Book that Will Grow Your Business: Genuine Writer’s Voice

Almost without exception, people drafting a manuscript worry about their writing. “Does it sound good enough?” they want to know. Wrong question. They should be asking whether it sounds like them. When writing a book to promote your business and encourage people to buy your service(s) or product(s), the objective is not to come off… Continue Reading

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104