Create an Author Platform

Create an Author Platform

Publishers aren’t just looking for strong, new books. Quality is great, but sales are what matter in the end, at least when you’re in the selling-books business. So what publishers really want to know is whether you bring an audience along with you. That means you have to create an author platform. That author-platform requirement… Continue Reading

Yes, You Need a Copy Edit!

Yes, You Need a Copy Edit!

After writing your rough draft, your first draft (or however many other drafts there have been) and then doing a line edit and even hiring a line editor, the last thing you probably want to think about is whether you need a copy edit. “I’m sure I’ve caught everything by now,” you tell yourself. “I… Continue Reading

Optimize Your ABOUT Page

Optimize Your ABOUT Page

I hate writing about myself on my website’s ABOUT page. I don’t want to boast about my accomplishments, but I sure don’t want my bio to sound like a CV. Many of us probably feel this way. Luckily, a new theory regarding how to write your ABOUT page could help. A lot. Recent stories, including… Continue Reading

Ready, Set, Self-Publish!

Ready, Set, Self-Publish!

Most people who decide to self-publish have no idea what they actually need to do to get their book into print. Welcome to the new—or at least newly revamped—Incubation Press, a top-notch, boutique self-publishing house, with highly personalized services. My ridiculously talented team and I will walk you through seven simple self-publishing steps that cover… Continue Reading

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104