Writing Lessons From my Dogs: Frolic

Writing Lessons From my Dogs: Frolic

The first winter snowfall hit the night of Halloween. For some reason, trick-or-treaters in Bend usually wind up having to trudge through snow, with the pre-teen and teen girls pretending they’re not cold despite their spaghetti-strapped costumes and blueish lips. Luckily, for a change, the costumed petitioners had already been tucked into bed by the… Continue Reading

Designing Your Book Interior

Designing Your Book Interior

If you’re like a lot of authors planning to self-publish, you probably haven’t given a ton of thought to designing your book cover, let alone your book interior. So, let’s talk about that. As soon as you have finalized your book’s title (and subtitle if you have one), I would urge you to hire a… Continue Reading

Promoting a Business with a Book

Promoting a Business with a Book

Have you ever thought of promoting a business with a book? You’re not alone. According to an article in Entrepreneur magazine, “many entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, attorneys, psychologists and other experts are grabbing on to this trend. Writing and publishing a book (whether through a traditional publishing contract or by self-publishing) is a great way to stand out as an expert in… Continue Reading

Let Nonverbal Communication Do the Talking

Let Nonverbal Communication Do the Talking

Do you use enough nonverbal communication in your writing? Fiction writers know that showing what’s happening to their characters rather than talking about it makes for a much more compelling read. Action, dialogue, and detail all contribute to a show-don’t-tell–or story-showing, as I call it–approach to writing a novel or short story. One aspect of… Continue Reading

Reach Out to Others in Your Field

Reach Out to Others in Your Field

I had been unsuccessfully trying to convince my writing coach client to reach out to some people who might endorse their book. Endorsements–getting a few lines of praise from people with names, affiliations, or credentials that readers will recognize–is a critical part of marketing. “What’s the problem?” I finally asked. To be honest, I probably… Continue Reading

The Life of Chris

The Life of Chris

The first time I remember seeing Chris Griffin, he and a friend were making their way up a snowy path in Bear Valley, California as they headed to the same potluck my friend, Pam Jamison, and I were attending. The tall, mustached redhead held a two-pound package of raw spaghetti, his buddy a bottle of… Continue Reading

Researching a Book

Researching a Book

Is researching a book really necessary? If you’re writing a nonfiction book, you’ve identified a thesis that you’re making a case for. That’s the book’s big idea, and every book has one (and only one). Whether you’ve chosen a self-help angle, a book about finance, a historical treatise, or a guide intended to convince people… Continue Reading

Reader Demographics

Reader Demographics

To make an effective argument in a nonfiction book or even gear a novel to the audience you’re aiming for, you have to know to whom you’re appealing (i.e. your reader demographics). That’s why attorneys find out as much as they can about the jury members on the cases they’re arguing. Knowing about their audience… Continue Reading

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104