Reach Out to Others in Your Field

Reach Out to Others in Your Field

I had been unsuccessfully trying to convince my writing coach client to reach out to some people who might endorse their book. Endorsements–getting a few lines of praise from people with names, affiliations, or credentials that readers will recognize–is a critical part of marketing.

“What’s the problem?” I finally asked. To be honest, I probably didn’t ask quite that directly. Sometimes, roundabout fishing expeditions work better than questions that can be perceived as challenges.

Either way, the answer didn’t surprise me. My client just didn’t feel comfortable asking for a favor.

“I have an idea,” I said. “How would you feel about reaching out to major players in your field to run your ideas by them? In essence, you would be asking to interview them, and possibly include them and their work in your book.”

My client responded with huge enthusiasm.

“Of course, the folks you approach would have to read at least a portion of what you’ve written, which you would explain is still a working draft,” I added. “If they like what they read, you could ask if they would consider providing an endorsement once you’ve finished your book.”

Talk about a win-win-win. If the person you reach out to says yes, you get to double-check your thinking before you go public with it. You get to exchange ideas with a thought leader in your field. And you possibly wind up with a book endorsement. If the person declines, you just move to the next candidate.

I’m guessing that most people won’t turn you down. So make sure that you’re ready to make the most of your opportunity. Tape the interview (make sure you ask for and receive their consent before recording them). Use an automated transcription service like to get a transcript you can use. You’ll have to make some corrections, but it will be a whole lot easier and less time-consuming than transcribing the interviews yourself. And at $.25 per minute, it’s ridiculously affordable.

Whether you include the people you interview in your book, publish their endorsement–or both–make sure you ask them how they want to be identified. And follow-up. These are the kinds of relationships that can always stand you in good stead.

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