Being a Writer Is Easy

Being a Writer Is Easy

One of my writing coach clients, Jim Mazziotti, just gave me a tee-shirt with the following saying:


Yup, having a sense of humor definitely helps when you’re a writer. And no, being a writer is not always easy. On the other hand, it’s amazing the progress you can make when your bike and you are on fire.

Jim is currently pruning and editing the 90,000-word manuscript he wrote about his son attending the Youth ChalleNGe program. It’s a touching story that will bring hope to plenty of parents out there who feel they’ve run out of options. So while I’m sorry that Jim doesn’t rank writing up there with eating bonbons, which no one but those who aren’t writers ever does, I’m as proud as I can be that I was able to help him get the story from his head to the page.

So here’s to all of us riding our fiery bikes into the new year and sharing our stories and/or our message. Happy New Year everyone!

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