The Art of Writing a Book Media Release

I seem to be writing more and more media releases these days, what with writing coach clients launching their books and businesses needing to promote themselves. Between my background as a journalist and my years of writing, I know how to attract an editor’s attention. Still, I was tickled when writer Sandra Beckwith asked for permission to include a book media release I’d written for a client in her ebook Get Your Book in the News: How to Write a Press Release That Announces Your Book.

When you read the book media release that caught Beckwith’s eye (see below), I want you to look beyond the obvious formatting (which I would suggest you emulate) and notice the following:

• The headline—Salt Is Killing Our Kids—is attention grabbing and provocative. The fact that it uses alliteration is a nice bonus.

• The lead (or first paragraph) gives a new take on a health problem often in the news. As I mentioned in a prior blog post, a media release needs a hook to attract editor and reader attention. Think fishing. Think bait. The best hooks usually involve hot news stories or social trends.

•The credentials of the author, who happens to be my writing coach client, are shared super early on—and directly after the mention of his book—to immediately establish his expertise.

• The body of the media release builds on the initial argument that salt is especially harmful to children.

• The author’s strong quote at the end  saying that the key to kids’ better health lies in eliminating salt from their diets seals the deal. Game, set, match!


Contact: Sharon Cook – Cook Public Relations
(707) 633-5547
Salt Is Killing Our Kids

Springfield, OH – June 21, 2012 – The declining health of America’s children has a lot to do with a culprit few even suspect: salt. In Salt Kills (Health Now Books, 2012), Dr. Surender R. Neravetla, a heart surgeon and the Director of Cardiac Surgery at Springfield Regional Medical Center—explains in easy-to-understand language why salt can be even more of a problem during a child’s formative years than it is later on in adulthood. In addition, it sets children up for increased stroke and heart risk later in life.

Most people know that salt contributes to high blood pressure—that in turn inflicts irreversible damage on multiple organ systems, including the heart. But few think of this as a threat to children. A report from St. George’s University of London, which revealed a connection of salt intake to high blood pressure in kids as young as four years old, shows us what a mistake that is. Yet it’s an easy mistake to fix. A second report from that same institution, which summarized 13 different studies among children, concluded that the drop in blood pressure from not adding salt in infancy dramatically reduces blood pressure and cardiovascular problems as children grow older.

A recent study published in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension.shows just how far we have to go when it comes to bringing this problem under control. Pediatric hypertension-related hospitalizations in the United States have nearly doubled, from 12,661 in 1997 to 24,602 in 2006. During that same time period, inpatient care for hypertensive children reached an estimated $3.1 billion, a 50 percent increase that doesn’t even include outpatient charges nationwide.

Hypertension is now present in 1 to 3 percent of American children. However the salt threat extends beyond causing high blood pressure. We know that in adults, salt can cause problems including osteoporosis, dementia and stomach cancer, and that we’re literally salting in the seeds of these incurable diseases during infancy and childhood. But some of those seeds are taking root well before children ever grow up.

One of the biggest problems confronting our kids today is obesity. More American children than ever before—almost one in three—are obese. Resulting health challenges can range from Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and, of course, high blood pressure to bone and joint problems, breathing difficulty, and a range of diseases including cancer. And we haven’t even talked about the emotional and social challenges that come from being a fat kid.

Experts point to too much food (including too much sugar) and too little exercise when discussing what’s responsible for the rise in childhood obesity. But they overlook the fact that salt is another leading player in this tragedy. Why do so many kids consume so many calories each day? Because salt overrides the mechanism in our body that tells us we’re full. So kids keep eating all those processed foods that are chock full of sodium.

Asthma now impacts 22 million children in this country. Adding salt to their diet—whether through the salt shaker or our menu choices—invites acute asthmatic attacks.

You would never want to promote your child’s ill health. But that’s exactly what we do every day. If you look at the “Top Ten Most Unwanted List” in Doctor Neravetla’s book Salt Kills, almost every item is a staple in most kids’ diets, including pizza, lunch meats, cheese, canned soups, boxed cereals, salty potato chips and carbonated drinks. Even baby food contains salt!

Adding salt to baby food is downright dangerous. Babies’ systems are delicate. That’s especially true of their kidneys, which can’t process high amounts of sodium. Natural foods (including fruits, vegetables and breast milk or infant formula) already contain salt. Add more—whether using the salt shaker or processed foods like canned broth or crackers—and you run the risk of compromising your baby’s kidneys and blood pressure. You could even cause brain damage. Research also shows that babies who start eating salt at a young age develop a taste for salt and keep eating it. We already know how harmful that is.

“Children’s ill health has reached epidemic levels in this country,” says Dr. Neravetla. “But this is a man-made disaster. As a parent, you would probably give your life to protect your youngsters from danger. So the last thing you want to do is to voluntarily feed them a diet that compromises their health now and in the future. The key to better health for our children is simple. We have to start by getting rid of enemy number one in our food: salt.”

For more information about Salt Kills by Surender R. Neravetla, MD, FACS with Shantanu R. Neravetla, MD, visit or call Sharon Cook at (707) 633-5547.


– By Linden Gross

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2 Responses to The Art of Writing a Book Media Release

  1. Thanks for allowing me to reprint the release in the book, Linden. I know it will help authors who don’t have your experience in this area!

    Sandy Beckwith

    • You’re so welcome, Sandra. Thanks for including me in your book. It’s a great reference for anyone who needs to publicize themselves. And what writer doesn’t need to do that!

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