The Right Written Content for the “Write” Business Impression

Want results? Then watch your words. Slap some lousy copy onto a website or in a brochure for half the world to see and you’ll get the same response you would with a poorly written ad, media release or newsletter.

Zippo. Nada. Zilch.

Conversely, you can promote your business with the right written content and garner the professional results you and your business deserve.

Let’s start with your web content. You do have a website, right? If not, the plain and simple truth is that in today’s market you need one. Of course, you want to make sure that your website sends the right message. Two out of every three prospective clients tells me how much they admire my clean, sophisticated website. This site’s look and feel give me instant credibility. So does the professional-grade copy, which reflects not only my expertise and my services, but my personality as well.

The rest of my written material dovetails with my website. My business cards, ads, brochures and promotional material sport the same branding as my website. The copy, no matter where it runs, also reinforces my website’s content and tone. It had better, since I wrote it.

If you would like to see how a proven pro can help you make the “write” impression, call me for a free consultation.

– By Linden Gross

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2 Responses to The Right Written Content for the “Write” Business Impression

  1. Hi, I am shopping for an agent and I wondered about my blog. One blog actually was a fantasy I did last April Foll’s to promote the book. I wonder if that helps or hurts. I sent an email to(your agent ?) Ted Weinstein to see if I might interest him in a synopsis. Anyway thanks for the website tip. Any feed back would be appreciated. Thank you, Julio

    • Hi Julio. Apologies for the tardy response. I’ve been swamped, which is a great problem. My gut tells me that if your blog gains a following, that can only help. These days publishers are looking for sure bets. That often means that they want the author to bring the readers along with the book. So showing that your writing has already attracted fans is a definite plus. Best of luck with your project. I’m here if you need any help. Cheers, Linden

To contact Linden Gross, please call:

866-839-BOOK (2665)

or email:

Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104