Do you have a book you want to write?

Finding it tough going on your own?

As a two-time New York Times bestselling writer

—as well as an editor of other bestsellers and a writing coach to bestselling writers—

I can help you unearth and share your story and/or your message.

Whether I work with you as a book consultant, writing coach, editor, or writer,

or through my Boost Your Business with a Book e-course,

together we’ll make your content sound like you–only better.

It all starts with a chat and/or some sloppy copy.

Call me for a free 20-minute chemistry and project consultation and I’ll explain.

Or if you’re looking for a simple self-publishing solution,

check out Incubation Press, our sister site.


Linden's Blog
Back in the Restaurant Review Business

Back in the Restaurant Review Business

After a break, I’m back to writing restaurant reviews. I fell into that in 2008 when I was coaching a local Bend magazine staffer who was bemoaning the fact that she had to go dine out that evening and write a restaurant review. “I’d love that,” I announced. “I’ve done a ton of travel writing,… Continue Reading

Author Voices

Author Voices

Over the last month, I’ve listened to two audiobooks—Tom Lake by Ann Patchett and Bowlaway by Elizabeth McCracken—which have been in my queue for months and months. For whatever reason, neither had grabbed me when I initially started them. This time around, I’ve found the stories as compelling as the prose. Indeed, the writing is… Continue Reading

Launching a Book

Launching a Book

As more and more of the writing coach clients I work with get published or opt to self-publish, I find myself increasingly talking about launching a book. So, let’s talk about launching your book. You’ve fretted and sweated to write your book. If you’ve finalized your draft, having invested in a line edit, copy edit,… Continue Reading

Game Changer: The Third of Three Success Stories

Game Changer: The Third of Three Success Stories

What better way to launch a new year of blog posts but with three success stories? My three writing coach clients-turned-authors have several things in common. They’re all in the financial field. They’re all writing books to help promote their business. And the books are unexpectedly personal and entertaining. Captivating, even. But that’s where the similarities… Continue Reading

True Grit: The Second of Three Success Stories

True Grit: The Second of Three Success Stories

What better way to launch a new year of blog posts but with three success stories? My three writing coach clients-turned-authors have several things in common. They’re all in the financial field. A couple of them overcame sizeable challenges that could have prevented them from publishing at all. They’re all writing books to help promote… Continue Reading

Recovery – The First of Three Success Stories

Recovery – The First of Three Success Stories

What better way to launch a new year of blog posts but with three success stories? My three writing coach clients-turned-authors have several things in common. They’re all in the financial field. A couple of them overcame sizeable challenges that could have prevented them from publishing at all. All three are writing books to help… Continue Reading

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

With the dawning of a new year, I look back on the past one with a sense of wonder. I suppose that’s not uncommon, but 2024 was as rewarding as it was challenging. Ten weeks into the year, I experienced a bout of vertigo that left me lying in a darkened room trying my best… Continue Reading

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

I posted this seven years ago and again in 2022. Here’s to a year when it no longer seems so pertinent. “This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.”                                                               Leonard Bernstein In a year that has brought so much grief, let us make… Continue Reading

To contact Linden Gross, please call:

866-839-BOOK (2665)

or email:

Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104