Bulk Book Sale

Bulk Book Sale

If you’ve toiled over the writing, editing and publishing of your book, you know how sweet book sales are. The money is welcome, of course. So is the validation of you, the author, and your book. Writing is an amorphous and highly subjective endeavor until book sales hit. The fact that someone has endorsed the… Continue Reading

What’s Your Fiction Genre?

What’s Your Fiction Genre?

Did you know that while there are more than a dozen and a half fiction genres, each fiction genre has sub-genres? Add all those up and you wind up with more than a hundred. Why should you care? Because understanding your exact genre and sub-genre will help you market your book to readers, whether you’re… Continue Reading

Authentic Dialogue Makes All the Difference

Authentic Dialogue Makes All the Difference

Dialogue is a great way to bring your writing to life and move your story along. But only if it’s authentic dialogue. And only if it’s not exposition disguised as dialogue. What’s exposition, you ask? The dictionary defines it as “a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.” In short, it’s the definition… Continue Reading

Battle Squirrels

Battle Squirrels

I should have known. After all, it was a drought year. Instead, I plunged in full of anticipation, still reveling in the prior year’s unprecedented success. Yes, this year, once again, my newfound prowess as the tomato whisperer would be on display in the garden and on the plate, and I would receive the kind… Continue Reading

The Best Way to Communicate

The Best Way to Communicate

I talk a lot about what I call story showing. Letting readers experience what you’re writing about rather than just telling them about it is clearly the best way to communicate, an insight I share liberally. “Show don’t tell,” I say again and again in as many ways as I can come up with. Still,… Continue Reading

Carving Out a Writing Career

Carving Out a Writing Career

Barbara Hinske never expected to be able to quit her full-time job as an attorney and pursue a writing career. But her initial novel, Coming to Rosemont, has mushroomed into a bestselling series. “Look what we’ve done—and we’ve had a blast doing it!” reads the inscription to me in her seventh Rosemont novel Restoring What… Continue Reading

Writing Lessons from My Dogs: Zeal

Writing Lessons from My Dogs: Zeal

“Is that a Newfie puppy?” asked a woman whom my dogs and I passed on a path that runs along Bend’s Deschutes River. I knew she was asking about my zealous girl Sophie. I looked at the woman’s full-grown, chestnut-colored Newfoundland and laughed. Whether Sophie is at the river, in the High Sierra or manning… Continue Reading

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104