Success Story – Breakthrough Rosemont Romance Series

Coming to RosemontPracticing attorney Barbara Hinske published her  contemporary romance Coming to Rosemont, the first book in her Rosemont series, on December 12, 2012. Since then, she’s worked hard to promote the book and establish a fan base. It’s working.  Her romance novel about a forensic accountant whose well-ordered life is shattered by her husband’s untimely death and the double life he concealed hit #4 on a couple of months ago.

Meanwhile, readers are clamoring for Barb’s next novel in  the Rosement series due out this spring. Perhaps that’s because of Coming to Rosemont‘s intriguing and unexpected plot. When Barb’s protagonist Maggie Martin pulls up stakes and moves to the seemingly-serene Midwestern town of Rosemont after discovering that she’s inherited an estate known as Rosemont, she suddenly finds herself knee-deep in a battle against political corruption.

BookBub’s Best: Women’s Fiction list asserts:

In a category that doesn’t often feature felonious crimes as a main plot point, it’s somewhat surprising to see this title — with corruption, fraud, and arson coursing through the story — in a list of top performers. But with enough twists and turns to hook any reader’s attention, an adorable dog on the cover, and some classic women’s fiction tropes, Coming To Rosemont delivered more than enough firepower to win over our readers!

I couldn’t be happier for Barb. When she asked me to evaluate her original manuscript on May 2, 2012, I know she was looking for constructive feedback, but I’m not so sure she was anticipating having to overhaul her book. But that’s exactly what she did after receiving my evaluation. Over the next four-plus months she not only added a whole new subplot to Coming to Rosemont, she rewrote the manuscript using a show don’t tell–what I call story-showing–approach. I’m sure she had fallen in love with what she’d written by the time she sent me her draft. Still, she was willing to tear it apart to strengthen it.

I’m delighted to say that she ran her upcoming book Weaving the Strands by me late last year. Once again the draft needed a rewrite. Drafts inevitably do. This time I was able to work with Barb in a writing coach capacity. The note she included when she emailed me about Coming to Rosemont hitting #4 on Bookbub’s women’s fiction list read, “So glad that I worked with you on WTS to make it the book it is!!”

Back at you, Barb. Congratulations on Coming to Rosemont. Here’s to a follow-up that’s just as strong and just as much fun.

– By Linden Gross

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2 Responses to Success Story – Breakthrough Rosemont Romance Series

  1. Working with you as a coaching client made the re-write of Weaving the Strands, the sequel to Coming to Rosemont, so much easier and — well — sure footed. If my Rosemont series is going to take flight, I know that the sequel had to be just as good as the first book or no one would pick up the third book in the series. With Linden’s guidance (and pushing, when I needed it), I got the job done. I’m going to do myself a favor and work with her on the third book in the series from the very beginning of the process. I’m a self-starter and don’t need someone to keep me on task, but I do need the coaching. Thank you, Linden!!

    • Working with you is a joy, Barb. I love our brainstorming and then watching take the ideas that surface and run. Congrats, again!

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