Success Story: Morri Stewart’s Faltofar

Success Story: Morri Stewart’s Faltofar

It’s always a great day when a client’s book that you had a hand in shaping and editing gets a positive review. The fact that my client, Morri Stewart, is also a friend, and that her young adults’ fantasy novel Faltofar got a fantastic review, makes this all the sweeter.

I have a hard time imagining how the reviewer could have been much more laudatory about Faltofar‘s plot, its characters or the writing. She wrote:

“The author thoroughly impressed me with the way she presented her storyline; it was fully developed and followed an understandable progression. The author heightened the tension from the beginning to the climax, ending at a resolution that was so beautifully executed that the book held my attention until the very end. In fact, I felt like I was physically present in Faltofar and taking part in the great battle. What fascinated me the most was that there were unexpected plot twists at the ending.

“I will add that the character development was splendid; all the characters mentioned played an important role in the battle, and no one character was left to play the role of an ultimate hero. Another thing that heightened my respect for Stewart’s work was that she put female characters in strong leadership positions even when it was not what I expected. I also found it commendable that alongside fighting the dark force, the author included several lessons that can be applied to real-life, such as being supportive of family and friends and never underestimating others.”

So here’s to you, Morri. You’ve written a fantasy that not only transports readers, but enriches them. I know how many years you had already worked on Faltofar before we met. I’m still humbled that you allowed me to weigh in and that you were open to reworking your novel. And I’m pretty darn proud of you and of how it all turned out.

Isn’t it time to celebrate again?

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