Tracia Larimer isn’t your ordinary mortgage broker. So when this creative, never-take-no-for-an-answer Bend, Oregon professional wanted to spread the word about her business, she decided to write a short book that would answer a lot of her clients’ questions and help guide them through the mortgage application process. Not surprisingly, her title is as unique as she is: 7 Ways to Pay More for Your Mortgage…Or Not: Planning Steps That Can Save You a Bundle.
In this slim paperback, Tracia helps home buyers avoid the seven pitfalls that can negatively impact getting a mortgage, including higher interest rates or problems getting approved for a mortgage in the first place.
Her book didn’t exactly start out with this focus—or content. The brainstorming she and I did during our writing coach sessions helped Tracia pinpoint what she really wanted and needed to write about. And then everything fell into place.
Bright Light Graphics’ Lieve Maas, who is the book and website designer at my new self-publishing company Incubation Press, gave 7 Ways to Pay More for Your Mortgage…Or Not the professional and downright fabulous look it deserves.
Congratulations, Tracia! I can’t wait to hear about that next idea you’re noodling.

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