Here’s to a Year of Fun and Joyful Writing

I’m not much for New Year’s resolutions, but this year is the exception. I’ve resolved to bring more fun and more joy into my life.

In thinking about this 2014 kickoff blog post, I realized that incorporating those two elements into one’s writing is really the key to keeping the writing momentum. So this year try playing with your writing and ease up on yourself.

That doesn’t mean that you stop writing or that you don’t keep those writing dates with yourself. I not only want you to honor those, I want you to block out times slots in your weekly calendar and vow to make up those writing periods if something comes up. Make that writing time enjoyable and those dates are going to be a lot easier to keep.

A few ideas to steer you toward fun and joyful writing:

  • Quit expecting your writing to come out perfect the first time. Trust me, it won’t. As I’ve discussed before, go sloppy and simply get your ideas from your head onto the page or screen.
  • Take your foot off the pressure pedal. Even if you’re under the gun, write your first draft as if you were writing a letter to a friend. It’ll come out faster that way. Then go back and edit.
  • Think of this initial period as an exploration. You might be surprised at what your subconscious is harboring if you just let it loose.

Here’s to a year of fun and joyful writing. Happy 2014!

– By Linden Gross

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