Writing Web Content and Blog Content

Last week I did my first Google Hangout thanks to Philippe Cesson, the head, or chief Alchemist as he likes to call himself, of Cesson 3.0. This marketing and training agency helps businesses make sense of technology by harnessing social media externally and well as internally.

My presentation–“The Alchemy of Content that Sounds Like You Only Better”–focused on writing blog content and web copy. Since I’m Philippe’s blog coach, he knows firsthand about how I operate in that arena. He’s also very aware that I write web content and has seen the websites whose messages I’ve crafted. So I was the obvious choice.

We did have a few technical difficulties during the Hangout. The slide presentation, which had gone perfectly smoothly during all the practice rounds, suddenly started to stick or jump. Then it refused to go away, so you won’t see my shining face very much in this video. On the other hand, you will see how I react to adversity. And in the end, the information still comes through. So if you’re interested in finding out how to ratchet up the quality of your web and/or blog content, please enjoy.

– By Linden Gross

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