One Writing Coach Client’s Book Launch

After writing coach client Barbara Hinske sent me her manuscript to review, I came back with two major suggestions:
  1. She had neglected one entire narrative thread involving the book’s villains that begged to be developed.
  2. She needed to let the action–rather than narrative exposition–move the reader through the story. As I’ve discussed in my Story Showing blog post, allowing readers to experience the action instead of telling them about it brings your book to life.
That kind of news could ruin some people’s day. Not Barbara. She saw the possibilities right away and jumped back into her book. She spent three months writing and integrating the bad guy subplot.  “Actually, I think the main bad guy is the most interesting character in my book,” she wrote me in an email. She also rewrote chunks of her book with the “show don’t tell” rule in mind.
After she finished up her revision, she hired a cover and website designer. Coming to Rosemont is now available on Amazon.
But Barbara didn’t stop there. She contacted her social network and asked them to help spread the word about her new novel. I share her letter in the hopes that it will give you a new perspective about how you can promote your book or project:
Dear friends, family and “inner circle”:
I’m reaching out to you because you are among my closest friends and I’m asking for your support of a big dream of mine.  After almost 2 years of concerted effort, my debut novel Coming to Rosemont (published under my maiden name Barbara Hinske) has now been published and is available on Amazon and for Kindle.  It’s a fast-paced, 226-page novel in the Contemporary Women’s Fiction/Contemporary Romance genres.

Here’s how you can support this dream:
1.  Buy the book:
2.  Write a review on Amazon.  If you are on Goodreads, please post a review there as well.
3.  Spread the word — word of mouth is the way indie fiction authors become known.  I’ve included sample posts for FB and Twitter:
     FB:   Check out Coming to Rosemont for a fast-paced, smart novel with enough twists and turns to make the reader want to buckle in!
     Twitter:  Check out Coming to Rosemont, Contemporary Women’s Fiction/Romance, on
4.  Check out my website and blog:  There are some great recipes there, as well.
Thank you all for your interest, inspiration and support on this journey.  Many of you will find yourselves or people you know reflected in the characters within the book.  If you correctly identify any of the “real life” people that the characters are based upon, please let me know — there will be a drawing for a prize from those who identify a character correctly.  And NO — I am not any of the characters!  Rule clarification — canine characters count in this contest!
Thank you for helping me turn Coming to Rosemont — the first book in the Rosemont series — into a bestseller!
Love and hugs,

– By Linden Gross

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