Book Trailers Help You Publicize Your Book

Go to the movies and you know you’re going to see half a dozen movie trailers before the feature begins. Why? Because the studios know that trailers effectively promote new releases. With the advent of the Internet, trailers aren’t just for movies anymore. Book trailers are gaining in popularity because they do exactly what movie trailers do. They’re super ambassadors able to reach thousands of people in a single bound.

My online marketing partner, Scott Burns, and I just produced a book trailer for one of my writing coach clients. The book, Salt Kills by Dr. Surender R. Neravetla, unveils the dangers of eating salt. It’s an easy read packed with facts culled from thousands of scientific papers. But let’s face it. It’s not the kind of book that readers are going to flock to without a little push. So I wrote lead for the book trailer to sound like a murder mystery. I think the resulting sense of drama and sizzle makes the book more appealing.

Check out my Salt Kills book trailer below and see if you agree.

– By Linden Gross

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