Book News – Salt Kills

Another writing coach client has completed and published a book. Dr. Surender R. Neravetla wanted to make his case about the dangers of salt. Now he’s taking that case out into the world. In next week’s blog, I’ll talk about everything he’s doing to promote his new book Salt Kills (HeathNowBooks, 2012). For now, I just wanted to share the first media release I wrote for him.  Not that I want to brag, but it caught the eye of a woman writing an ebook about how to write media releases, and she asked if she could use it as an example.Talk about a nice pat on the back for me and a little extra free publicity for the author!



Contact: Sharon Cook – Cook Public Relations

(707) 633-5547

The Killer in your Kitchen

Springfield, OH – March 1, 2012 – The title of heart surgeon Dr. Surender Neravetla’s book tells most of the story: Salt Kills (Health Now Books, 2012). But that’s only if you’re lucky.

Many people know that salt causes high blood pressure, but they don’t appreciate just how debilitating high blood pressure can be. In his new book, Dr. Neravetla—Director of Cardiac Surgery at Springfield Regional Medical Center—explains in easy-to-understand language how high blood pressure silently inflicts damage on multiple organ systems, including the heart. That damage is often irreversible. Enlarged hearts, for example, do not tend to shrink or get better. Instead, they lead to heart failure.

The damage caused by the simple consumption of salt, however, doesn’t stop there. Salt Kills points to research data that shows how easting salt also significantly contributes to:

  • Dementia
  • Asthma
  • Osteoporosis
  • Obesity
  • Stomach cancer

A whopping 56 million Americans suffer from conditions either caused or aggravated by salt intake. And that’s not even counting the 130 million Americans who are overweight or obese. Those shocking statistics prompted Dr. Neravetla to label salt as Public Enemy Number One. “We have grown accustomed to salting our food without realizing how dangerous the consequences are,” he says. “But salt is permanently disabling or prematurely killing millions and millions of people every year.”

Dr. Neravetla began to look into the dangers of salt consumption after visiting his parents in India. Even though their typical diets include no animal protein, virtually every single member of his family over the age of 50 suffered from very high blood pressure. Since they ate no animal fat, that couldn’t be the problem, he realized. But what was causing their cardiovascular problems along with a host of other related diseases?

The more he dove into the research, the more he realized that eating salty foods had triggered their conditions. No wonder so many of the heart patients upon whom he had already performed surgery ended up back on his operating table. Worse, while he could save many lives, he couldn’t improve the quality of those lives already debilitated by disease.

“We simply have to place a much stronger, higher priority on prevention than on treatment,” says Dr. Neravetla. “And since our salt habit is our number one preventable health problem, by far the most important and urgent change we need to make in our diet in order to improve our health is to put down the salt shaker.” It’s never too late stop this insidious habit. Salt Kills should help convince people to do just that.

For more information about Dr. Neravetla’s new book Salt Kills, visit or call Sharon Cook at (707) 633-5547.


– By Linden Gross

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