Elevator Speech Tips

The whole idea of me providing elevator speech tips is funny because I was originally  so bad at promoting myself upon meeting someone. My first elevator speech went something like this:

“Hi, my name is Linden, but it might as well be Sybil because I wear so many hats.”

I thought the line was funny and so did those who got the reference to the woman with multiple personalities. The rest of those upon whom I tried out the line just gave me a quizzical half smile, betraying the fact that they had no idea what I was talking about.

That wasn’t my only problem. Elevator speeches are supposed to encapsulate in a memorable sentence or three who you are, what you do and why someone would care. (As always, the bottom line is: what’s in it for me.) My elevator speech did none of the above.

It took me months to come up with way to introduce my business that worked. Finally, after watching people’s eyes glaze over as I tried to explain that I work as a writer, editor, writing coach and publisher, I figured out how to brand myself.

Now I simply say:

“Hi I’m Linden, One Stop Writing Shop. I’m a bestselling writer and a writing coach. So I can write whatever you need or help you do it.”

The moment I figured that out, I rewrote the mission statement on my website. Now I just have to revamp my ads, my brochures and my business cards so that I’m giving out a single, consistent branding message. In the meantime, I’m sure enjoying how my new elevator speech rolls off the tongue and how well people are responding to my new branding.

I hope the above elevator speech tips help you as much.

– By Linden Gross

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