DIY Editing Tips

As a bestselling editor and a writing coach, I’m all about helping people get the results they’re seeking through the written word. That’s especially important when it comes to promoting a business. If you’re trying to sell yourself, your product or your services (and who isn’t these days?), you need strong messaging that hooks potential clients while consistently reflecting you and your business across all your platforms. In short, you need a topnotch copywriter. If this year’s budget just doesn’t allow for that expense, here are some DIY editing tips to get you through until you can afford to hire a pro.

1) Always stress how your business, product or service benefits clients. Even though you’re trying to promote yourself, it’s all about them.

2) Lead off with catchy content. You have just five to eight seconds to engage readers and hold their interest. Otherwise, you’re sunk in the time it takes to sip a cup of coffee.

3) Organize your material with the client in mind. Let their priorities dictate your content and how it’s organized.

4) Distinguish yourself from your competition. Let your clients know what makes you or your company special.

5) Keep your branding—both in terms of message and look—consistent. Your website, your brochures, your fliers and your business cards should all work together as pieces of the same campaign.

6) If at all possible, hire a copy editor—or at least use your computer’s spell checker—before publication. There’s nothing that spells amateur more quickly than errors in spelling and grammar.

In the meantime, I hope the above editing tips help you promote your business.

– By Linden Gross

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