Working Titles Work

Worried that you haven’t come up with that grabber title for your article, book or chapter? If you’re still writing, relax. Titles often come when you least expect it, when you’ve given your conscious mind a break and let your subconscious take over. As long as you have a working title for your book that does its job or working titles for your book’s chapters so you can identify and stick to the themes, you’re golden.

Think of a working title as a steady plow horse as opposed to a flashy Arabian. Your working title is there to keep you on track, to remind you to stay on topic when you threaten to elope with a tangent.

Working titles don’t have to make your heart sing. They don’t have to be good, or even mediocre. They just have to sum up the theme of the book, chapter, article, essay or blog entry.

Can’t identify your theme? You’ve got bigger problems than the lack of a title. No worries. Figure out what you want the particular piece you’re writing to say, sum it up in your working title and you’ll be back on track.

– By Linden Gross

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