Do you have a book you want to write?

Finding it tough going on your own?

As a two-time New York Times bestselling writer

—as well as an editor of other bestsellers and a writing coach to bestselling writers—

I can help you unearth and share your story and/or your message.

Whether I work with you as a writer, book consultant, writing coach, editor,

or through my Boost Your Business with a Book e-course

together we’ll make your content sound like you–only better.

It all starts with a chat and/or some sloppy copy.

Call me for a free 20-minute chemistry and project consultation and I’ll explain.

Or if you’re looking for a simple self-publishing solution,

check out Incubation Press, our sister site.


Linden's Blog
Creating a Story that Works

Creating a Story that Works

Like an ambush predator, I’ve been sneaking up on that novel I’ve wanted to write for so long in the hopes of finally creating a story that works. I’m starting to talk about it with friends I met decades ago in the High Sierra town that will be the novel’s setting, and to tap their… Continue Reading

Writer’s Self-Doubt

Writer’s Self-Doubt

I often joke that if you’re experiencing writer’s self-doubt, then you must, by definition, be a writer. I’m not sure why we’re all so ridiculously insecure, but that does seem to be the case. If you don’t agree with me, you probably don’t know a lot of writers. Continue Reading

Grammar Outs: Is Me or I Correct?

Grammar Outs: Is Me or I Correct?

Is me or I correct? Do you know? Or have you joined the apparent national movement to get that wrong? The trend drives me so nutty that I’m going to do my bit to reverse it by reposting a version of this rant every quarter. Of course, it’s hard to blame anyone for the mistake,… Continue Reading

Writing Your Truth

Writing Your Truth

“A closed mouth doesn’t get fed,” a teen said at the close of a recent NPR interview about students in Chicago having a voice regarding their school improvements. I’d never heard the saying, but I figured it was a little too pithy for a high school student to come up with. I was right. Still,… Continue Reading

Disagreeing with a Letter of Agreement

Disagreeing with a Letter of Agreement

A few months ago, a researcher contacted my brother, Jeff, and me about interviews my dad had conducted for his book The Last Jews in Berlin, originally published in 1982. He wanted to use one particular set of interviews for a book he’s helping another author with. He was willing to pay. Did we even… Continue Reading

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866-839-BOOK (2665)

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104