Holiday Writing Break

Are  you having trouble sitting down to write this holiday season? I know I am. After months of pushing so hard I wondered if I’d ever have a social life again, I’m spent. So this year I’m giving myself the best gift I can think of. I’m giving myself a reprieve.

If you’re feeling like you need to recharge your mind, body and/or spirit, maybe you need to focus on doing just that and give yourself a writing break. We all need to re-fuel in many different ways and sometimes down time is just what the doctor–or in this case writing coach–ordered.

Just one tip. Keep a notebook handy and scribble down a few thoughts now and then. Don’t bother fleshing them out, but make sure that your notes aren’t so cryptic that you have no idea what they mean once you get back to writing in the new year.

Keeping your project in mind even if you’re not actually sitting down to work will keep your creative momentum alive and your subconscious engaged. In a couple of weeks, you’ll be able to hit your writing again with renewed vigor and brand new perspective. In the meantime, have a happy, safe holiday and enjoy your writing break guilt free.

– By Linden Gross

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3 Responses to Holiday Writing Break

  1. HI. I’m looking for a writer to take my long form resume and create a one paragraph and 2 paragraph bio for me. I need this for the investor packet for our start up. Are you interested?


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