Writing Accomplishments and Aspirations

Writing Accomplishments and Aspirations

At a time when everything from personal relationships to business to politics seems to be operating under a new set of rules, this seems like a good opportunity to step back and reflect on my 2022 writing accomplishments and aspirations. Since I’m not much of a resolutions gal and am all too ready to indulge in a bout of self-recrimination, I like this positive spin on a worn-out song. So, here goes.

My big accomplishment last year, in addition to helping my writing coach clients realize their book aspirations, was creating my Boost Your Business with a Book e-course. Although I had started thinking about developing an e-course based on my writing coach process years ago, it took a fluke to actually make it happen.

“You should call Lynn Miller,” read the email from a marketing specialist in the women’s networking group I belong to. “She’s looking for a ghostwriter.”

Despite having ghosted two national bestsellers, I’m not doing much ghostwriting these days. It would take one hell of a project and budget to convince me to commit to such hard work again. And, to be honest, not seeing my name on the cover of a book I’ve poured myself into still leaves me feeling gut-punched. On the other hand, why not call? So, I did.

“No, I’m not remotely ready to start writing my book,” Lynn said when I introduced myself. “And if I did, I’d write it myself.”

Oops. So, I did what anyone would. I apologized and asked what the book she planned to write was about. That led to what she did on the work front. As it turns out, through her 10x Your Expertise program, she helps professionals package and monetize their experience, material, and tools by developing e-courses.

Okay, universe. I can take a hint.

When I told Lynn that I had been wanting to develop an e-course, but wasn’t sure that the one-on-one work I do with my writing coach clients would lend itself to that, we started to talk. Then we talked some more. And I began to see that I have more of a delineated process than I had realized.

Six months later, with Lynn helping on the idea front and Diane Kubal of Fulcrum Network helping on the development front, I launched the Author’s Incubator branch of my business along with my interactive Boost Your Business with a Book e-course. Almost immediately, I created a second, less expensive version in which participants would still enjoy one-on-one consults with me but would rely on a feedback partner or team instead of me to read their work. So far, four affiliates have signed on to help me promote the program.

If either version of the e-course succeeds, I’ll use that as the basis for other e-courses geared toward memoirists, novelists, and nonfiction writers. Talk about writing accomplishments and aspirations!

In the meantime, I’m going to get back to writing that children’s book series I’ve been thinking about for the last four decades. This seems to be my time to realize long-held dreams. And who knows? Maybe that will even slip over into my friendships and romantic life. Now there’s an aspiration for the new year.

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