Thanks Again!

Thanks Again!

It’s been a crazy year. Difficult, sure. But also rewarding.

Writing coach clients have finished books, published books, begun writing new books.

I did all of the above.

Ten years after starting it, Busting the Brass Ceiling: How a Heroic Female Cop Changed the Face of Policing finally launched on the 40th anniversary of the consent decree that defined my co-author Fanchon Blake’s landmark discrimination class action court case. On what would have been Fanchon’s 100th birthday, an online panel sponsored by the USC Safe Communities Institute, the USC Department of Public Safety, LAWPOA and the Los Angeles Police Museum focused on the memoir and celebrated the woman whose impact would be felt across the nation.

More than thirty years after coming up with the idea for a children’s book series, and three years after plunging in and then putting the project on hold, that’s back on the front burner. And I’m loving it.

I’m proud of all of us, and everyone else who has continued to live their best live despite the challenges.

As always, I want to raise a glass to all the people in my life and echo my dad’s annual Thanksgiving toast:


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