A Productive Writer’s Life

A Productive Writer’s Life

Are you the productive writer you could be? Or is making time to write a never-ending challenge because of everything else on your plate?

My writing coach client John Hudson, who is working on not one but two books, was finding it nearly impossible to consistently make the writing progress he wanted. Granted, the credit repair expert and owner of Red Phoenix Consulting has his hands full. This divorced dad is devoted to his three children, so he drives to all their ballgames no matter how far. That usually means two to three hours on the road, on top of the game, since his kids don’t live close to him. John is also committed to his clients, which makes for long days. And he’s going for his mortgage license, which has meant studying, testing and meetings galore. Still, when he stumbled on Brendon Burchard’s 5×50 productivity formula everything changed, including how much writing he was able to get done.

I had suggested that John take a look at Brendon’s Experts Academy, which I’ll talk about next week. Brendon presents ten ways to monetize your knowledge and advice, and, more importanlty, spread your message to the world. It all starts with a book. A good book. But getting that book written, and then rewritten and edited, can sometimes seem daunting if not downright impossible. That’s where being more productive comes in.

We’re not talking about cramming in more chores or knocking out more on your to-do list. Brendon’s productivity tips, based on how the world’s most successful people live, show you how to structure your day in a way that will increase your productivity by at least 30 percent and allow you to focus that all-important book that keeps getting back-burnered.

So check out Brendon’s 5 50-Minute Habits Get You 30% More Productive (and Energized) video and download his 5×50 productivity formula PDF. It could help you become such a productive writer that making your book happen becomes a no brainer.


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