Finding Time to Write

Finding Time to Write

You’re not finding time to write?

I’m not surprised.

Most of us never find time to write. We make the time to write. And we because we know that time suckers can dominate our days, we schedule blocks of writing time and hold those inviolate.

Yes, the secret to successfully making time to write hinges on time blocking, i.e. calendaring writing sessions every single week and then honoring that time commitment. That means if a conflict arises that you absolutely can’t—or don’t want to—put off, you reschedule your writing session instead of cancelling it.

The mechanics related to time blocking are simple. Just find a couple of healthy chunks of time (say two to three hours) or a repeating time of the week (say Monday through Thursday at  8 a.m.) and block out that time. If you have an electronic calendar, you can color code those time commitments you’ve just made.

The key here is to be honest with yourself. As we’ll see in next week’s post, it won’t help to map out a schedule you can’t possibly keep. On the other hand, you may need to forgo a little sleep or a few pleasures to achieve your writing goal.

In the end, it boils down to a question of priorities. How important is writing your book, blog, article or short story? If getting it done really matters to you personally and/or professionally, make the decisions that support rather than undermine your dream. That starts with realizing that finding time to write is mission impossible. So carve it out instead.

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