Writing Lessons from my Dogs: On the Road and Off the Grid

Dinner on the roadEvery once in a while, no  matter how high the mountain of work looms and no matter how much we want to write, we need to leave the computer (and the yellow pads) behind. That’s exactly what I just did, which is why I missed posting last week. And just as the dogs adapted to meals on the road, sleeping in the car or the trailer, and walks wherever and whenever, I quickly adapted to a work-free excursion and returned with a sun-ripened perspective on writing, work, life and how all three play together.

Linden's Teardrop Trailer for Oregon LocalGetaways adventures That’s good since I’m about to launch another writing-related business. I’m not going to tell you any more right now, but stay tuned. All I’ll say is that I’ll be doing a lot more traveling in my new (to me) Teardrop Trailer. This time, however, I’ll be on the grid while I’m on the road with computer in hand. And I’ll be sharing.

The big launch is coming. I know, the suspense is killing you. But I’ve got to catch up with myself after my journey. Soon, I promise.

Meanwhile, try venturing away from your two Ws (writing and work) for just long enough to reboot your creativity and your spirit. Be careful not to take too long of a break. You’re looking for that pause the refreshes, not a full stop that breaks your momentum.

– By Linden Gross

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2 Responses to Writing Lessons from my Dogs: On the Road and Off the Grid

  1. Can’t wait to find out! And come to Phoenix — just not during the summer!

    Good advice — as usual — which I should follow.

    Glad you will remain on the grid!

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