Surviving a Stalker Republished

Some people might say that I’m stubborn. When it comes to not letting a good book die, they’d be right.

I wrote the first book about the stalking of ordinary people 20 years ago. It was published as a mass paperback. It did okay, but not great. That’s what happens when there’s no real marketing push.

Ten years later, having gotten the rights back, I convinced Marlowe & Company to publish the book again. The problem had only grown and victims and professionals alike still needed to better understand the stalking dynamic and what to do. Again, the book did okay, but not great.

Fast forward to January 2013, National Stalking Awareness Month, and the book’s third incarnation. With the number of annual stalking victims having grown from 1.4 million when I initially wrote the book to 3.4 million, my book was clearly needed now more than ever. So I updated it, and expanded the section about cyberstalking. And while I kept the title from the second publication, I gave it a new subtitle: Surviving a Stalker: Stay Safe. Get Help. Reclaim Your Life. 

After 20 years, Surviving a Stalker remainsthego-to book when it comes to understanding:

  • Why people stalk
  • How victims unwittingly aggravate the situation
  • What to do
  • How to avoid being stalked

The website–known as the Stalking Victims’ Sanctuary–has also been revamped. My friend Silvia Stephenson’s redesign is easier to navigate and downright striking. You’ll find critical information, a news feed, and our popular Discussion Board which serves as the country’s only national stalking victims’ support group.

I invite you to visit the site and to check out my book. I’m so proud of both, I’m ready to pop.

– By Linden Gross

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