Amazon Publishing for Short Prose

Have you ever been told by an agent or publisher that your idea was interesting but just didn’t seem big enough for a book? Or perhaps editors have stated that your articles were just too long for their magazines.  Those two problems may just wind up being a saving grace thanks to Amazon publishing’s Kindle Singles.

This relatively new publishing alternative, which features works that run between 5,000 and 30,000 words, seems to be catching on with readers and authors alike.

What? A bright spot on the publishing horizon?

In a word, yup.

The numbers tell the story. More than 2 million Singles have been purchased since Amazon launched the Kindle Singles program in January 2011. Authors’ royalties are 70 percent with works selling for anywhere from $0.99 to $4.99 (authors set the price). Word is that editing is light and turnaround is fast. And get this. Ebooks are actually marketed to Kindle users through ads. The promotion usually doesn’t last more than a week, but judging from how well a number of the Singles are selling it can be plenty effective.

For more information about the publishing opportunity that Kindle Singles provides, check out these three posts:

I’ve pasted in the Kindle Singles submission guidelines below. I don’t know about you, but I’m about to start checking my files for possibilities. If you do decide to submit a manuscript, please let me know how it goes.


Submissions PolicyAnyone can submit original work to Kindle Singles. We’ve showcased writing from both new and established voices–from bestselling novelists to previously unpublished writers.

We’re looking for compelling ideas expressed at their natural length–writing that doesn’t easily fall into the conventional space limitations of magazines or print books. Kindle Singles are typically between 5,000 and 30,000 words.

A Kindle Single can be on any topic. So far we’ve posted fiction, essays, memoirs, reporting, personal narratives, and profiles, and we’re expanding our selection every week. We’re looking for high-quality writing, fresh and original ideas, and well-executed stories in all genres and subjects.

How to submit

We will consider ebooks recently published via Kindle Direct Publishing, manuscript submissions, or pitches.

• To nominate your self-published book, simply email us at and include the title, ASIN, and a brief summary.
• If the work is not yet published, you can submit a manuscript or a detailed pitch for your Kindle Single. Send as much material as you have available to and include your name and a writing sample.
• All manuscripts submitted as attachments must be accompanied by a cover letter with a detailed summary of the submission.

• Writers or publishers wishing to propose an idea for a Kindle Single can write to our editors at

Selection process

Each submission is carefully reviewed by our editors. Once your submission is received, we will read and respond within four weeks. If we are interested in your submission or pitch, we will provide you with further instructions on how to submit your title via Kindle Direct Publishing and any additional next steps.

Rights and Royalties

Accepted Kindle Singles are published using the Kindle Direct Publishing platform, which means that the author earns royalties on each sale. Kindle Singles must have list prices between $0.99 and $4.99, and authors can choose the 70% royalty option for their accepted titles, even when the list price is below $2.99. All other Terms and Conditions of Kindle Direct Publishing will also apply to content sold as a Kindle Single.

Writers retain all rights to their work when accepted and published in Kindle Singles. We will consider Kindle Singles from authors, publishers, and agents, and you will need to confirm that you have the rights to publish the work you upload. If accepted, your Kindle Single must be made available in all territories where you have rights, so Kindle customers around the world have the option to purchase your title.

Like all Kindle books, Kindle Singles are buyable and readable across the entire Kindle family of devices, as well as on our Free Kindle Reading Apps (Kindle for iPad, iPod touch, iPhone, Mac, PC, BlackBerry, Android, etc.).

Kindle Singles Criteria

• Length: 5,000 to 30,000 words
• List price: $0.99 to $4.99
• Original work, not previously published in other formats or publications
• Self-contained work, not chapters excerpted from a longer work
• Not published on any public website in its entirety
• We are currently not accepting how-to manuals, public domain works, reference books, travel guides, or children’s books.






– By Linden Gross

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Literary Agent:

Ted Weinstein
Ted Weinstein Literary Management

Mechanics’ Library Building
57 Post Street, Suite 512
San Francisco, CA 94104