The Write Balance for Families

Over the last several months, I’ve teamed up with life coach Carol Delmonico to write a workbook called The Write Balance and conduct related salons. Our pitch letter explains the project pretty well:

• Are you living a life out of kilter with your natural self?
• Do priorities you’ve set take a backseat to life’s hubbub?
• Do you know what you really want?


Exploring core beliefs allows you to uncover who you really are and what’s truly important to you. Understanding your hidden inner self allows you to carve out a genuine life in line with your values. That’s not easy. The Write Balance workbook and salons guide you down a path of self-discovery through fun and empowering writing exercises revolving around the Write Balance Wheel. Together we will explore societal influences and beliefs, connection, conscious choices, commitment and self-awareness, and rediscover our passions and our aliveness. Even if you don’t like to write or even if you have never written before, the workbook and salon make it simple and fun.

Carol and I introduced the concept at a seminar featuring Dr. Andrew Weil and drew the interest of a manager from a local resort. She liked our energy and the idea of people getting together to do guided writing which they then shared appealed to her. Did we want to discuss the possibility of conducting Write Balance workshops for their guests?

Naturally, we agreed to meet with her. Over lunch, we came up with an angle we hadn’t even thought of: Using the power of writing and sharing to facilitate group bonding, especially during family reunions that unite people who are tied by blood (or marriage) but who have either never met or really don’t know the inner person they’re related to.

The new pitch reads like this:

The Write Balance Family Rendezvous

• How well do the members of your family really know each other?
• Would you like to get beyond the family roles and discover each others’ inner landscapes?

Life coach Carol Delmonico and writing coach Linden Gross offer you and your family the opportunity to deepen your relationships through writing, sharing and laughter. Even if you don’t like to write or even if you have never written before, the Write Balance Family Rendezvous makes it simple and fun for everyone from your oldest to your youngest family members. After the Rendezvous, you will receive a bound book containing all your family members’ writing, as well as a CD of whatever is shared as a group during our time together. So in addition to enhancing your family reunion and strengthening your family bonds, those memories will literally last forever.

Just goes to show how far a little brainstorming can take you.

– By Linden Gross

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