That’s Entertainment!

Sometimes, I crack myself up with my own writing. I suppose that’s not PC to admit, but if we writers don’t appreciate ourselves, what’s the point?

So there I was writing about my first Pilates private session. I knew exactly how I was going to start the piece.

For years I was convinced that my office chair was trying to kill—or at least maim—me. After a day of work, my lower back hurt so much that I could barely straighten up or walk correctly. Until I met Gabi Davis, owner of Pilates Connection (located in the Juniper Swim and Fitness Center), it never occurred to me that the problem might not lie with my chair, but rather with me.

But I surprised even myself with the punch line, which in the article–and in real life–followed my figuring out that I was sitting and standing improperly, both of which contributed to back pain:

I was even sucking in my gut wrong. For years (make that decades), I’ve tightened my glutes and tucked my posterior when tightening my stomach muscles. That creates two problems. In addition to putting strain on the lower back, it overworks the glutes. I had literally turned into my very own pain in the butt.

– By Linden Gross

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